Dr. Pariyanto M.Ed

Position Ketua Program Studi Sastra Inggris
Contact Address Fakultas Ilmu Bahasa
Email pariyanto@untag-sby.ac.id
Homepage https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=U2pJGY8AAAAJ&hl=en
Current Activity :

Education Background

1. Doctor in English Language Teaching, State University of Malang. 2017

2. Master of Education, Flinders University - South Australia. 2009

3. BA in English Literature (Bachelor of Letters ), College of Foreign Languages (STIBA) Malang. 2003

4. Diploma in Computing, STIKMI Nurul Jadid- Paiton. 1999

Teaching Experiences

1. January 2019 - Present: Teaching English Linguistics,  English Language Skills, English Pedagogy, & Research Methods in Linguistics at English Literature Department, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 (Untag) Surabaya.

2. November 1st –December 15th, 2017: Teaching Indonesian as a Foreign Language (BIPA) Level A2 and B1 for undergraduate students at Jamiah Islam Syeikh Daud Al-Fathani, Yala, Thailand.

3. August 8th –November 30th, 2016: Teaching Indonesian as a Foreign Language (BIPA) Level A1 for undergraduate students at ASEAN Languages Center, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Khon Kaen University, Thailand.

4. Juli 5th –October 31st, 2017: Teaching Indonesian as a Foreign Language (BIPA) Level A1 for undergraduate students at Yala Rajabhat University, Yala, Thailand.

5. March 2013- Present: Teaching English Language Skills, English Linguistics, Translation, & English Pedagogy at English Department, Faculty of Humanities, Sunan Ampel State Islamic University, Surabaya.

6. September 2012- 2017: Teaching TOEFL and IELTS Preparation, English for Academic Purposes, and Indonesian as a Foreign Language (BIPA)  at Center for Languages and Cultures (CLC), Institut Teknologi Sepuluh November (ITS), Surabaya.

7. April 2010 – 2017: Teaching English for Specific Purposes at Institut Ilmu Keislaman Zainul Hasan, Kraksaan, Probolinggo.

8. July 2009 – August 2011: Teaching English for Specific Purposes at Universitas Nurul Jadid, Paiton, Probolinggo.

9. March 13th – August 2010: Teaching English for Specific Purposes at STIKES Nurul Jadid, Paiton, Probolinggo.

10. June 2005- February 2007: Teaching English at MTs. Nurul Jadid, Paiton, Probolinggo

11. May- December 2004: Teaching English at Kemala Bhayangkari Primary School, Balikpapan.


1. Sudarwati, Novi Andari, & Pariyanto. (In Press). Strategic Values of the Mental Revolution in the Prince Pekik Folktale. Indexed Proceeding of International Seminar on Language, Education, and Culture (ISoLEC) 3. 

2. Sudarwati, Novi Andari, & Pariyanto. (2019). Cultural Hegemony: Sedekah Bumi, The Traditional Thanksgiving And Offering at the Tomb of Gusti Wongso Negoro, Proceeding of International Seminar on Enrichment of Career by Knowledge of Language and Culture VII, P.P. 56-61 

3. Pariyanto, Sudarwati, & Umul Khasanah. (2019). Kesalahan Bahasa Tulis Kalimat Bahasa Indonesia Oleh Pemelajar BIPA Di Thailand SelatanPARAFRASE: Jurnal Kajian Kebahasaan & Kesastraan: 19 (1), P.P 39-46 DOI: https://doi.org/10.30996/parafrase.v19i1.2373

4. Pariyanto. (2017). The Effect of Corrective Feedback on Grammatical Accuracy in the Writing of EFL University Students. DISERTASI dan TESIS Program Pascasarjana UM

5. Masae. A., Nadaraning, H., Baleh, S., Tamphu, S., Star, S.& Pariyanto. (2017). Indonesian Consonant Sounds Produced by Learners of Indonesian Language for Foreign Speakers in Thailand, Proceeding of International Seminar on Language, Education, and Culture (ISoLEC) 1 (1), P.P. 316-324.

6. Pariyanto & Bambang Yudi Cahyono. (2016) The Efficacy of Comprehensive Corrective Feedback in Improving Grammatical Accuracy of EFL Learners’ Writing. International Journal of Language & Linguistics 3 (6), 51-59.

7. Pariyanto (2016). Motivation in a Second Language Learning: Practical Strategies to Increase L2 Learners’ Level of Motivation. Proceeding of The 5th International Conference on Humanities and Social Sciences 12 (1). P.P 914-920.

8. Pariyanto. (2012). Techniques in Teaching Reading. Proceeding of The 5th International Conference on Applied Linguistics (CONAPLIN) 5 (1). P.P 474-480.

9. Pariyanto. (2012). Improving Indonesian EFL Learners’ Pronunciation through Audiolingual Method PrinciplesLingua Scientia 4 (1), 11-18.

10. Pariyanto. (2003). A Semantic Study on Surah Al-Alaq. THESIS Program Sarjana STIBA Malang.